Rescheduled April 17th PRA Professional Development Institute (PDI) Offers Cutting Edge Review and Update on the Impact of the Opioid Crisis

If you have not already done so, the PRA Board invites any stakeholder to join us for this years PDI events now rescheduled following a powerful Nor’easter snow storm. Join our 6:30-8:30pm Town Hall discussion on Monday April 16th and the following full day conference on Tue. April 17th at Central Penn College located on Valley Road in Summerdale, PA 17093. This years PDI is addressing a critical health issue……. the impact of Opioid abuse and addiction.  In both our evening Town Hall meeting, and our Keynote address we will explore how the Opioid crisis has impacted every state and all ages of citizens across the nation. Unfortunately, we learn daily from both national and local news on how deaths and significant impairments to individuals from Opioid abuse has exploded across the U.S.  The crisis is also affecting businesses and employers through lost workforce talent, productivity, or increased absences for treatment and intervention.  Individuals will need support to rebuild their economic well-being, overall health and careers following abuse or addiction.  Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) professionals can be part of a solution and can bring resource to help individuals reclaim their lives, careers and overall wellness.  Our PDI Keynote presentation will begin with a brief introduction, followed by a presentation from CVS Health experts using a multi-media overview on the crisis, the dangers of these substances, and how we can recognize signs of abuse as rehabilitation professionals.

The balance of our conference will also explore topics on; VR Career Pathways for Young Professional; Disability Disclosure & VR Ethical Considerations in Job Interviews; Effective Case Management Practices & Ethics for the VR Professional; VR Services to Students with disAbilities; VR Research Review from University Students; updates from the Executive Director of the PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR); VR Services and Individualized Employment Plan considerations from the Executive Director of the PA Client Assistance Program (CAP); Awards and Recognition of current VR professionals; and a closing Plenary our 1st Annual Dr. Ralph Pacinelli VR Policy Forum with guests from University faculty in the divisions of  graduate Counseling & Rehabilitation Education, VR Policy experts, and a leading Community Rehabilitation Agency representative.

The PRA Board welcomes all stakeholders in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Human Resources, Education, Disability Advocacy Organizations, Policy Experts, Business leaders and the broader Human Services community to join us.  At the evening Town Hall meeting refreshments will be provided and a buffet lunch is included with the 8am-4:30pm conference registration. CEU and CRC credits are pending. Updated registration will be available @