April 16th Professional Development Institute (PDI) Receives Many Positive Comments From Participant’s
With a lot of effort from the 2018 PDI Team and the flexibility of presenters, venders, Central Penn College conference staff and participants the March 21st snow cancellation for PDI was successfully rescheduled and held on April 16-17. CVS Health staff updated our audience on the dangers current use and risks from opioid abuse. Break-out sessions on Opioid treatment, VR career pathways, Ethical considerations in Job Interviewing, Ethical consideration in Case Management Practices, Serving Students with disAbilities, undergrad and graduate student poster presentations and a closing Plenary 1st Annual Dr. Ralph Pacinelli Policy Forum was held. Our annual PRA awards for service to professionals in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation, and Student Leadership Awards were presented. Special guests included David DeNotaris, OVR Executive Director, Attorney Steve Pennington form the VR Client Assistance Program, Kathy West-Evans, Director of Business Relations for the CSAVR National Employment Team, Janet Fiore, CEO of the Sierra Group, Inc., Patricia Leahy past NRA liaison to the U.S. congress and author of the Washington Wire for VR professionals on the run, and PRA faculty members from Clarion University, Penn State University, and the University of Scranton. Venders displays included; PA OVR, SEIU Local 668, Center for Independent Living of Central PA, CVSHealth, Living Unlimited, Commute PA, CarlisleCareerLink, Sierra Group, and Vocational Research Institute . We express our gratitude for everyone who attended and all our sponsors.