2018 CRCC Past Presidents Message
The need for rehabilitation counselors is not diminishing; the number of people living with disabilities in the United States continues to increase. In order to meet the demand for rehabilitation counselors, this profession must continue to grow. We all must inspire and recruit new people into our profession.
Now that the CORE/CACREP merger is finalized, rehabilitation counseling is recognized as a specialized practice within the CACREP curriculum standards. There are challenges to this outcome; some training programs grapple with how they will adapt to meet changing program standards. There are also advantages when we align with the broader community of counselors. These alliances can make us stronger as we join forces on shared concerns and interests, while respecting our unique specializations.
After 25 years of dedicated service to the profession, Cindy Chapman resigned her position as the Executive Director (ED). Through a collaborative effort, a new ED was selected, and we are excited to welcome Pam Shlemon to the CRCC team. With Pam at the helm, I am looking forward with excited anticipation. Pam has a dynamic personality, is an experienced networker, and has a long history of moving organizations toward positive outcomes. I expect this will be another year of exciting change as Pam collaborates with the Board of Directors to advance the CRC and the rehabilitation counseling profession.
Anticipating the changing environment and the growing need for rehabilitation counselors, CRCC is implementing new CRC Exam eligibility criteria. The exam will remain rigorous and require demonstrated knowledge within the foundational domains of rehabilitation counseling
Stephanie Gotay, CRC