2019 PDI A Success with Over 100+ in Attendance.
PRA conducted its annual PDI training on April 18th at the Conference Center on the campus of Central Penn College in Summerdale PA. OVR 100 participants joined the event this years with over 30 undergraduate and graduate students in the rehabilitation sciences programs from Clarion University of PA, the University of Pittsburgh, Penn State University and the University of Scranton. The PRA Board recognized Carl Marshall, past PRA and Mid-Atlantic MAR president for his life long support to NRA and PRA and work to improve the lives and employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
The PRA Board also recognized for the first time two business for their inclusive hiring and career advance of people with disabilities; CVS Health and Syncreon Logistics. Additional award recipients included: Randy Reed and Jennifer Shroads of the South Side Area School District for distinguished service to students with disabilities; Russ Goddard PA OVR Specialists for the PRA Philadelphia Founders Award in his role to develop and build a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Summer Academy program operating in PA since 2017; Werkonika Noyszewski for the PRA Undergraduate Student Service and Leadership Award; Arielle Webb for the PRA Graduate Student Direct Service, Leadership and Advocacy Award. Sponsors of this years PDI included PRA members, Clarion University, Mid-Penn Bank, SEIU/PSSU, The University of Scranton, CVS Health, The Sierra Group, CIL of Central PA, Brandt’s Driving School, and The ARC of Philadelphia. The annual PDI offers opportunities for PRA and other state chapter or affiliated stakeholders to participate in continuing education, in the Dr. Ralph Pacinelli policy forum and a chance to network with colleagues and friends committed to advancing the independence and competitive integrated employment of people with a disAbility. Please look for announcement’s on next years PDI event on our web and Facebook pages in addition to information on our 2019 PRA Board Members-at-Large fall elections being conducted in collaboration with NRA as our first electronic on-line process.