Consider becoming a Sponsor for the 2024 Annual PDI Event in April 2024!

PDI 2024 Letter to Sponsors and Donors

Dear potential sponsors and donors,

Thank you for considering support for the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association (PRA). The PRA is a private nonprofit organization operated by volunteers from throughout Pennsylvania. Our membership includes individuals from a variety backgrounds and disciplines with a shared purpose; enhancing the quality of life of people living with mental and physical disabilities.

The Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association (PRA) is committed to the advancement of rehabilitation to promote full inclusion of people with disabilities into the mainstream of our society. PRA is pleased to offer our community the opportunity to learn about issues in disability and rehabilitation, and to become empowered to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. PRA is a private, voluntary, membership association comprised of professionals from a variety of disciplines, persons with disabilities, their families, students, and other interested citizens.

Each year, our flagship event is the PRA Professional Development Institute (PDI) held at Central Penn College in Summerdale, PA. This is a two day event, where PRA members and interested persons gather for training and networking related to our mission. This year’s PDI conference is scheduled for April 16-17, 2024. In order to put this all together, we need support from like-minded individuals, companies, and organizations to raise funds for training opportunities. There are various options in which you can be of support, sponsoring a portion of the event, participating as an exhibitor, or making a donation to our raffle event. Please see the attached page for participation options. Each year, PRA has been pleased by the support received from organizations throughout Pennsylvania. Please consider how we may be able to include you for this year’s event.

Please see the attachment for 2024 Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities!

In addition to helping further Pennsylvania’s rehabilitation efforts, your organization will be recognized in our conference booklet as well as during the conference’s opening address.

If we can provide you with any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We thank you for your consideration!


Katherine A. Young, M. Ed., CRC, CESP

2023 Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association Vice-President

2024 Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association President


The Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association is a 501 (c) (3) Organization