About Us
PRA members can now share the history and benefits of PRA/NRA membership with colleagues and stake holders using our new outreach PowerPoint revised by the dedicated work of Carl Marshall, current PRA Board member, past PRA President 1998, 2006. Joining him in the efforts were current Board members following a review at our January 18th meeting. Thank you Carl and to everyone for providing pictures, updates and information on our history to help us tell the PRA story! Ralph Roach, 2018 Past President on behalf of the PRA Board.
NRA – PRA Marketing Presentation 2019 Final Cm 02_14_19
PRA Past Presidents State Chapter of the National Rehabilitation Association
The Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association (PRA) is committed to the advancement of rehabilitation to promote full inclusion of people with disabilities into the mainstream of our society. PRA is pleased to offer our community the opportunity to learn about issues in disability and rehabilitation, and to become empowered to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. PRA is a private, voluntary, membership association comprised of professionals from a variety of disciplines, persons with disabilities, their families, students, and other interested citizens.
It is the purpose of PRA to:
- promote the development of best practices in the delivery of rehabilitation services to people with disabilities
- educate our community about disability
- advocate for the public policy to support full inclusion of people with disabilities in our society
- encourage and foster the recruitment, professional growth, and retention of qualified, competent, dedicated personnel in the field of rehabilitation.
The PRA Board welcomes you to connect to our work.
Additional information about our organization follows:
PRA Final BylPRA By-laws updated & approved January 2015aws 9-03
Speakers Bureau Brochure – text 11-09
Please join or renew your membership online at the National Rehabilitation Association website.