Requesting PRA Student Award Nominations
The Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association (PRA) would like to recognize outstanding Pennsylvania students who are majoring in the field of rehabilitation. This recognition will be accomplished by providing a $200 Monetary Award and a Certificate of Recognition to an Undergraduate and Graduate Student. The Awards will be presented at the PRA Professional Development Institute on April…
Read MoreDr. Ralph N. Pacinelli
It is with great sorrow that we inform our members of the passing of our PRA friend and mentor, Dr. Ralph Pacinelli. Dr. Pacinelli was a man who pioneered vocational rehabilitation legislation and advocacy. He was kind, brilliant, and professionally and personally generous, encouraging and impacting everyone in our community. We will miss his smile, sense…
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving 🍂
Happy Thanksgiving from PRA! We are thankful for all of you who tirelessly devote yourself to helping others. Your commitment to our community to promote full inclusion of people with disabilities is noticed and appreciated! We hope that you have time to relax, rejuvenate, and know you’re appreciated.
Read MoreConsider becoming a Sponsor for the 2024 Annual PDI Event in April 2024!
PDI 2024 Letter to Sponsors and Donors Dear potential sponsors and donors, Thank you for considering support for the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association (PRA). The PRA is a private nonprofit organization operated by volunteers from throughout Pennsylvania. Our membership includes individuals from a variety backgrounds and disciplines with a shared purpose; enhancing the quality of life…
Read MorePRA Award Nominations Requested
The Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association (PRA) would like to encourage you to recognize an employee, boss, co-worker, organization, employer, or individual who you feel is doing an outstanding job in the field of rehabilitation. Please read over the PRA Award categories that are attached. We would also like to highlight an additional award that was added…
Read MoreFREE Lunch & Learn: Intersectional Disability Justice Frameworks for Liberated Futures
Please join us for our March Lunch & Learn: Intersectional Disability Justice Frameworks for Liberated Futures. This is a virtual Lunch & Learn on March 29, 2023 from 12pm-1pm. It is free for both PRA and non-PRA Members, and is Pre-approved for 1 CRC credit! Rana Yaghmaian, PhD, CRC is an Associate Professor and Department…
Read More2023 Professional Development Institute Registration NOW OPEN!
2023 PDI Registration Flyer REGISTRATION: NOW OPEN! Please join us for the 2023 Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE …our return to in-person conferencing! @ Central Pennsylvania College, Summerdale, PA 17093 April 11th, 2023, Pre-Conference Evening Event: * 7 PM Town Hall: Navigating the Disability Benefit System April 12th, 2023, Main Conference Overview: * The Revised…
Read More2022 PRA Annual Presidents Message
As I wrap up my term as President of the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association, I wanted to leave you with some highlights from the year. Like every other year for PRA, 2022 began with the introduction of some new board members. We welcomed Jennifer Radick, Sue Soderberg, Katie Young, and Jess Hanula. Seth Acosta and Janet…
Read MorePA OVR Awarded SWTCIE Grant
Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association is happy to announce that the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (PA OVR) was awarded a grant from The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Disability Innovation Fund (DIF) – Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment (SWTCIE) Innovative Model Demonstration Project. With $14 Million Federal Grant, Wolf Administration to…
Read MoreStout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute FALL 2022 NEWSLETTER Volume 22, Issue 2 August 2022 SERVICE | RESEARCH | EDUCATION
Written by Kyle Walker: I am a proud Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. It seems trendy to drop vocational from Rehabilitation Counseling. But, I embrace that part of my professional identity unapologetically. Vocational is not a dirty word. Vocational is the heart of what I do and is central to the human experience. Vocational comes from…
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