The Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association (PRA) is committed to the advancement of rehabilitation to promote full inclusion of people with disabilities into the mainstream of our society. PRA is pleased to offer our community the opportunity to learn about issues in disability and rehabilitation, and to become empowered to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. PRA is a private, voluntary, membership association comprised of professionals from a variety of disciplines, persons with disabilities, their families, students, and other interested citizens
It is the purpose of PRA to:
Encourage and foster the recruitment, professional growth, and retention of qualified, competent, dedicated personnel in the field of rehabilitation.
Promote the development of best practices in the delivery of rehabilitation services to people with disabilities
Educate our community about disability
Advocate for the public policy to support full inclusion of people with disabilities in our society
Recent News
100th Anniversary of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program
100th Anniversary of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, which was the first federally funded program to assist people with disabilities who had not acquired their disabilities as a result of serving in the military. The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) will be celebrating 100 Years of…
2019 PRA Annual Presidents Message
December 24, 2019 President’s Annual Message 2019 As we close out 2019, I would like to take a few minutes to share with you some of the great things that we have been able to accomplish this year, along with some of the strategic plans for the upcoming year. The year began for PRA with…
PRA Student Awards Nominations Sought for April 2020 PDI
The Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association (PRA) would like to recognize outstanding Pennsylvania students who are majoring in the field of rehabilitation. This recognition will be accomplished by providing a $200 Monetary Award and a Certificate of Recognition to an Undergraduate and Graduate Student. The Awards will be presented at the PRA Professional Development Institute on April…
PRA Announces New Board Members-at-Large Election Results
Our 2019 election of 2020 three year term new PRA Board Members-at-Large results are in. Thanks you to all PRA members who participated. We are please to have; Tess Campbell Crystal Stuck, Kelley McKee, and Garrett Huck joining us. They will be participating in our January 17th, 2020 PRA Board meeting from 10am -2pm in the Giant…
PRA Board Member-at Large Elections Completed
Our NRA assisted PRA Board Members-at-Large elections for the terms 2020-2023 have ended. Thank you for your participation. We had approximately 25% of our membership participate. We are indebted to James Liin, membership services and web coordinator from the National Rehabilitation Association- NRA for his technical assistance and prompt follow-up. Please check back on our…
Annually PRA conducts a Board Member-at-Large election in November per By-Laws to elect four new members to serve a three year term. Each year we have four members who terms expires and the need for one Executive Board member to serve as PRA’s 2nd Vice President. The 2nd V.P. per PRA By-Laws and past practice…
National Disability Employment Awareness Month- NDEAM Oct. 2019
PRA Joins Broad Effort to Observe National Disability Employment Awareness Month Nationwide campaign in October (Harrisburg, PA) Oct 2nd, 2019 PRA today announces its participation in National Disability Employment Awareness Month, an annual awareness campaign that takes place each October. The purpose of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is to educate about disability employment issues…
Announcing the 2020 Annual Professional Development Institute (PDI) on April 15th Central Penn College-Save the Date
SAVE THE DATE! LINK: Save the Date PRA PDI 2020 The 2020 PRA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Central Pennsylvania College, Summerdale, PA 17093 April 14, 2020 Pre-Conference Evening Event: 7 PM Town Hall: Cross Systems Business Engagement (Panel) April 15, 2020 Main Conference Overview ***We anticipate to offer 6.5 credits including some Ethics credits!*** The PRA PDI…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 1, 2019 View Online Employment First Commission Announces Recommendations to Help People with Disabilities Find Competitive, Fulfilling Jobs Harrisburg, PA – As part of his commitment to help people with disabilities find competitive jobs in the community, Governor Tom Wolf announced today the inaugural Employment First Oversight Commission annual report. The…
PRA Board Meeting Friday Sept. 20th Open to All PRA Members- Consider Bringing a Guest
The PRA general Board will be held on Friday Sept. 20th at the Giant Community Center at 3301 Trandle Rd., Camp Hill PA from 10am – 2pm. Any active PRA member is welcomed to attend. You may bring a guest. Space is limited so please let our president Tracie Maille know if you are planning to…